Monday, 27 May 2013

Our Baby


Captain Bayley's 

NEWEST addition to the 'Infernal Perambulator Family', 

BEHOLD: The 'Infernal Dichoto-Velocipod'

(though by the internet, it's sure to become 'Steampunk AT-ST)

Be amazed as the twin piston, coal powered smoke choker, dashes between the trunk-like legs of the older, 
'Infernal Mechano-Perambulator' titan. 

Gasp as the beast strides with physical science defying manoeuvres 
at speeds comparable to a well loaded horse 
(and due to respirator amalgamations).

It is with great pleasure that both of these fine machines can be presented to you today, to coincide, with not just the completed manufacture of both, not only the launch of a Twitter, FB, Flickr and Instagram outlet, COMBINED, but also the arrival of some fine weather (at least here in the Isles of Great Britain).

You are cordially thanked for taking time from your schedule to peruse these fine creations, or to have sought out the source of these images from another source.

Your 'Likes' are most welcomed, as are comments or requests.

Keep building, keep creating.

Good day to thee.

 Regards, Captain Bayley

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