Monday 29 July 2013

Captain Bayley Vs Automobile

Tral-la la la-larrr !

And so, just as momentum was being built on the good ship Bayley, I was knocked out of the game. On the way to an appointment, I had an encounter with a car and lost, rendering me kaputt for a good while. Curses. However, all was not lost. Instead a plan was hatched, paper plans scribed, scribed again and finally thrown away, before being abandoned and a new plan was begun.

I live close to a pond in the middle of a fairly nice area, the original plan was to have a 'Creature from the Black Lagoon' costume up and running, to which I could startle passers-by for my own amusement, however I have missed my window and am now about to move... maybe next year, cars allowing.

AT-AT '34' was started and completed within a week or so. The ye Olde Paymaster wanted the beast as a birthday presentational gift to a friend of 34 years and for the birthday date to be present (scribed around the chimney):

(34 posing sporting a stunning shoulder squid and the latest in marine safe paint).

I threw in a squid (ultimate creature of the sea) and a shell (awwww) on either side, to the right of the first porthole (to the left of the reverse, but you canny see that). I came outside to see the two plodding around the garden, and almost didn't let him go... 

(The young upstart 34, pistons ahead at a hair raising 2/3 oh a horse more than the goliath CBIMP).

however, hell hath no fury, like a woman trying to pack up boxes, surrounded by huge, fragile objects with no fixed home, whilst one starts another project, carries out a spot of sanding, then vanishes to attach more rivets:

(I don't know who this woman is, however, I do know this expression terribly, terribly well).

The serene warm glow of the Preambulatory photographs, hold tight the tongues of the rambling nature of their childhoods, spent covered in bits, hidden in cupboards, away from spying eyes, then thrown onto kitchen tables, food eaten around them, cats taking them as friends, then to the garden for a few licks of paint, then to another room to be dusted, glued, sanded, painted, glued, drilled, painted, hidden and presented again does take it's toll on their tiny minds...

(The Captain Bayley production line at full capacity, during the final stages of moving and medium convalescence. Out of shot to the far left are the feline, sporting a fine array of paint spatters and miniature rivets. To the right, what appears to be a kitchen table and several pieces of radio). 

During my time spent joining my body together like a run down version of Wolverine, I may also have visited eBay (for the second time this post 'CURSES'). Here is the disturbing thing: I like making things. Once I have made one, I need to make a second to improve upon it, however during this process, I will make a mistake, be unable to go back, learn from it, find some new things I would like to try and hence produce a third (ad infinitum). The problem is, eBay for all the wonder it provides, delivery times vary (First world problem), however the process doesn't. I make things in my mind, see things I would like to do, run through that a couple of times, then I'm on to the next project... I should I been more concise, as here is the actual problem: the process is carried out before anything has been delivered:

(Delivery for Captain Bayley, yay!)

For this very reason, I have stopped looking at sites, in shops, in old cupboards, hunting for things to 'improve' (at least whilst I move... mwah-har-har-harrrrr). I've set up an Esty store, but I believe I have sort of failed, as the amount of love hours and the high initial cost of the bits are driving the prices up... still if nobody buys them, THEY'LL HAVE TO STAY IN THE HOUSE !

(Iron Man a la 1800's)

(Ye Olde Prime)

(Cybermen - Bohemian Rhapsody Stylie)

And that, my good fellows, is so long for now. If you'd like to get in touch (there are buttons somewhere at the top, or through Farewell.